
Friday, May 6th:

So its finally Friday and I am super duper tired!  Ready for the weekend so just maybe I can do a little relaxing!  I have been sick with Bronchitis and a double ear infection since Saturday and this is starting to ride my nerves.  Poor little Rexy has been so sick.  He was hospitalized on Friday a week ago, due to breathing troubles that started when his chest was retracting about 35 times a minute, which is a major concern for a 3 month old.  I had taken him to the doctor earlier that day and the doctor had diagnosed him with RSV, a respiratory viral infection, and sent him home.  Well like I said later that evening he starting breathing soooo heavy and just seemed to be really struggling to catch his breath.  So I took him in the jeep to Greenville Memorial Children's Hospital and they got us right back.  They did some blood work, his temp was 102, a chest x-ray which came back normal and a breathing treatment with Albuterol.  They admitted him to continue watching him due to his heart beat being around 250 and his oxygen level being a low 87%.  So we spend 3 days in the hospital and finally got to bring little man home on Sunday evening.  We have continue the breathing treatment every 3-6 hours as needed and he is still having a hard time.  His cold is so bad he coughs himself into a fit, and then often times loses all his food, due to gagging.  So we have really had to watch him closely.  He has not been able to go to daycare this week, so he has spent the week with his Daddy and Ram-ma (Pat).  Robbie took him to the doctor yesterday and Dr. Melba said he is looking better but it will take time.  The worst part is the viral infection has to get worse before it gets better so we are dealing with the worse right now, major coughing attacks!  He will get better I claim it in Jesus Name, AMEN, continue to pray for my sweet little baby!!!